New subscription fee structure, same benefits HAMS.online

New subscription fee structure, same benefits HAMS.online

In these uncertain times, we are keen to do what we can to support our users across the world and as we've mentioned in various interviews one way we can do this is to change our pricing structure whilst still providing the same great benefits. Therefore, we are proud to introduce our new pricing plans and have reduced our subscription fees as much as possible. With the new subscription fees HAMS.online provides the best features for the best value and is one of the most affordable as well as the most advanced, most comprehensive, habitat and wildlife management software.

Reading time: 5 minutes

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Hogyan használj elektronikus beírókönyvet teljesen jogszerűen

Hogyan használj elektronikus beírókönyvet teljesen jogszerűen

Felkértük a Lovászi-Tóth Ügyvédi Irodát, hogy alaposan vizsgálja meg, hogy az elektronikus beírókönyvek használata esetén a beírások aláírással történő hitelesítésének problémája hogyan oldható fel jogilag megfelelő módon.

A jó hír: létezik jogi szempontból tökéletesen elfogadható megoldás. Ezt ismertetjük cikkünkben részletesen.

A cikk olvasási ideje: 5 perc

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First-hand experience of HAMS.online - an interview

First-hand experience of HAMS.online - an interview

[Translated from the original]

"Do you know a good gunsmith?" 

"Do you know this kind of scope? And what's your experience?" 

These are questions we ask our friends and acquaintances when we're considering a new product or a new service provider. Like many, I do the same, because we all want to make the right decision and spend our hard-earned money on a good product or service.

Personal referrals and recommendations are always better than reading anonymous reviews.

The situation is similar to the electronic wildlife management system. Some people are already predicting the death of the beauty of hunting without ever having tried such a system or even spoken to someone who uses one on a daily basis. 

So I decided to look into this topic because I would like to talk to someone who has actually "tested driven one" and not just seen it from pictures.

After some searching and phone calls, I managed to find the Szuhavölgy Landowners’ Hunt Club in Hungary, which was one of the first to start using the electronic wildlife management system on a daily basis. They use a system called HAMS.online, and their members have 5 years of experience in using the system. 

We talked to the head keeper of the club, Kálmán Galambos.

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About HAMS.online
  • HAMS.online is built and maintained by Bit and Pixel Kft which has more than 15 years of experience in the design and development of custom built, high security systems and over twenty years of hunting and gamekeeping experience.
  • Phone number: +36 30 676 01 60
  • E-mail: [email protected]
Designed, Built & Powered by
Hosting provider
  • H-1132, Hungary, Budapest
  • Victor Hugo utca. 18-22.
  • Phone number: 0-24: +36 70 362 4785
  • rackforest.com
We are looking for
Regional representatives
  • - If you are familiar with wildlife management, gamekeeping
  • - and if you are interested in the representation of HAMS in your country or on regional level, please feel free to contact us via e-mail.

Be part of this amazing team of international professionals, let's build the future of wildlife management together.