  • The use of camera traps in wildlife research*
    Pros and cons of trail cams in wildlife science
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  • AI Meets Wildlife Conservation: Machine Learning in Wildlife Research*
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  • The return of the apex predator in Europe*
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  • Mindful Steps: The Impact of Walking in the Forest on Wildlife
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This is why sustainable conservation is so damn profitable!

This is why sustainable conservation is so damn profitable!

Not so long ago we were asked by a syndicate to investigate their wildlife management strategy because a decline in their roe deer trophy sizes had been identified.

And, of course, being HAMS, we were curious to see how the management efforts had affected the trophy sizes and the profitability of the land. So we dove deep into 10 years’ worth of data , because we were keen to see...

The Ethics of Game Meat

The Ethics of Game Meat

It is impossible to talk about hunting and game meat without mentioning ethics and the increasing human concern around meat consumption.

Just a few of the reasons why Game Meat is great!

Just a few of the reasons why Game Meat is great!

Game meat is good. Not only does it taste awesome but it’s also good for your health. Let’s take a look why!

Firstly, game lives freely in Nature. It eats what it finds and what its instincts dictate: and that’s a diverse diet containing various kinds of grasses, herbs, buds, seeds, acorns, bark, leaves as well as many other things. That sign on the food you buy at the grocery store, Free Range. Well, all game meat is free range. No label required. It has lots of exercise, lives according to its instincts and its true nature, which also ticks the “happy animal” box. 

Why game meat is for the conscientious consumer

Why game meat is for the conscientious consumer

More and more people are looking for healthier and more environmentally friendly alternatives to what the major food manufacturers and restaurant chains are offering. 

For this reason as well as for animal welfare reasons an ever increasing number of people are trying turning to alternative diets including vegetarian or vegan, flexitarian, the list goes on.

Das HAMS-Team
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