  • The use of camera traps in wildlife research*
    Pros and cons of trail cams in wildlife science
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  • AI Meets Wildlife Conservation: Machine Learning in Wildlife Research*
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  • The return of the apex predator in Europe*
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  • Mindful Steps: The Impact of Walking in the Forest on Wildlife
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A brown hare live capture

A brown hare live capture

Like any other hunt day, the day started early. By the time we woke, the sun still hadn’t risen and it looked set to be wet, gloomy and overcast, so it was straight on with the warm coats and wellies.

Due to the decrease of the Hungarian brown hare population, we had a 2-hour drive from the North Hungarian Mountains to the Great Plain that ranges from the central to the southern and eastern borders of the country. This is the region where numerous brown hare populations can still be found.

As we arrived at the edge of the small Hungarian village the sun decided to greet us although the beauty of it wasn’t enough to quell our hungry stomachs. Fortunately, you can always trust in Hungarian hospitality and we were welcomed with hot coffees and teas and freshly baked “pogácsa” (a traditional tasty Hungarian treat similar to cheese scones).

So with our stomachs finally content, we could turn our thoughts to the day’s schedule.

By the time we arrived, one out of three captures of the day had already been completed, so, after the introduction and the quick breakfast, we were placed on two tractors and headed to the field where the second capture was to take place.

After lining the beaters up in the muddy field (which was definitely not an easy task) we were ready to go...

But how exactly does a live capture work?

How Estates Can More Easily Transition out of Lockdown

How Estates Can More Easily Transition out of Lockdown

And why so many estates and syndicates are turning to online booking systems to improve profitability 

Elképesztő siker Írországban a magyar HAMS.online vadgazdálkodási rendszer

Elképesztő siker Írországban a magyar HAMS.online vadgazdálkodási rendszer

A hazai fejlesztésű adminisztrációs szoftver és elektronikus beírókönyv – így annak fejlesztője, a Bit and Pixel Kft. – lett a nyertese annak a közbeszerzésnek, amelyet a Coillte, Írország állami erdőgazdasága írt ki. A szoftvert a területén zajló vadgazdálkodási és rekreációs tevékenységek elektronikus adminisztrációjára valamint a bérlemények pályáztatásának kezelésére használja majd a szervezet.

How HAMS helps tackle wildlife crime

How HAMS helps tackle wildlife crime

Wildlife crime is a broad term and from many (far too many) conversations over the years it’s clear there’s a lot of healthy and lively debate surrounding the subject.  

So, for the moment, let’s put the ethical and moral arguments to one side and let’s start by stating the legal parameters by which we define the term.

HAMS + Scottish Land & Estates

HAMS + Scottish Land & Estates

Supporting the hunting community is at the heart of what HAMS does and partnerships are a big part of that. In line with this, we are happy to announce our new collaboration with Scottish Land & Estates. 

No Nonsense Business Advice for UK Shoots and Estates

No Nonsense Business Advice for UK Shoots and Estates

Some practical advice for shoots and estates that are suffering due to the current lockdown.

Das HAMS-Team
  • Die HAMS.online Software wurde von Bit and Pixel Ltd. entworfen und entwickelt. Unser Unternehmen verfügt über mehr als 10 Jahre Erfahrung in der Entwicklung und dem Betrieb von kundenspezifischen, hochkomplexen oder speziellen Geschäftssystemen.
  • Rufnummer: +36 30 676 01 60
  • E-mail: [email protected]
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  • H-1132, Hungary, Budapest
  • Victor Hugo utca. 18-22.
  • Rufnummer: 0-24: +36 70 362 4785
  • rackforest.com
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