HAMS + Scottish Land & Estates

HAMS + Scottish Land & Estates

One of the key founding tenets of HAMS is to support the community and there are a number of ways in which we do this.  

One, is the core system itself. 

Simplifying, automating, and digitalising wildlife management by giving you the tools to make it better, easier and more profitable whilst also increasing safety and helping both hunters and land and wildlife managers fulfill the potential of what they do.  

Another is the continual introduction of new features. Whether that’s adding educational tools. Whether that’s the recently added job board. Or whether that’s the new mobile app.

And another way in which we can support the community is to, in turn, support those organizations that are already doing great work. 

Simply, because together we are stronger.

One such organisation is Scottish Land and Estates and we are very happy to announce that not only are we now a trade member of Scottish Land and Estates but that we are looking at ways in which we can proactively support the great work they are doing.

For those that aren’t familiar with Scottish Land and Estates, in a nutshell, the work they do helps rural land-based businesses receive the recognition and value that they deserve both publicly and politically and in doing so ensures rural Scotland thrive.

The Wildlife Estate Scheme

Specifically, Scottish Land & Estates manages the Wildlife Estates Scotland (WES) initiative, which aims to promote the best game and wildlife management practices, build recognition and raise standards through the introduction of an objective accreditation system.

The key aims of the initiative are to: Promote best practice in wildlife and habitat management and this is why SLE and HAMS are a perfect match. With the same goal, dream, and vision. 

HAMS perfectly suits WES accreditation by making the collection and presentation of the data required easier than ever. 

What are the benefits to you and to SLE’s members? 

Well, in short, HAMS will allow the members of SLE and the wider community of estates, syndicates, farms and landowners to seamlessly integrate their wildlife plans into their daily game management activities whilst simultaneously reducing time spent on admin and increasing profit. 

The system also allows members to:

  • collate all required data for achieving and maintaining the Wildlife Estate Scheme Module C accreditation
  • list game shooting and stalking opportunities
  • improve health and safety for both staff and guests
  • Save time and money

As our community faces more and more detractors and opposition it’s important that we work together, supporting one another’s endeavours. HAMS is keen to do that in whatever way we can. If you would like to discuss how we can work together, would like a demonstration of HAMS or would like to find out more about SLE and WES please use the links below:

Scottish Land & Estates: scottishlandandestates.co.uk/

Wildlife Estate Scheme: scottishlandandestates.co.uk/wildlife-estates-scotland

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