Winter Shotgun Maintenance

Winter Shotgun Maintenance

Safety first

“Fortunately, as it pertains to guns, my dad and uncle introduced me to guns the way it needs to be done: smart, slow and safe.”— Ted Nugent

Look, whether we like it or not, whether we’re a fair weather gun or not, there are going to be occasions when we’re out in the cold, up to our elbows in mud, rain, snow and whatever else the weather can throw at us.  

In light of that, it’s damned important that we properly take care of our firearms. 

People are often surprised by how quickly an uncared-for, unlooked-after firearm can deteriorate and malfunction.  

So, with the above in mind, here are some tips to look after your firearms during the colder months ahead.

Clean. And clean again!

Whatever the temperature we should constantly be cleaning and maintaining our firearms. 

This is even more true in the winter when the cold weather impacts the effectiveness of the oils and greases we’re using and potentially stiffens mechanisms.

Regular cleaning increases the life of our firearms as well as reducing the chances of malfunctions.

Properly Store Ammunition

Just like our firearms, our ammunition is particularly at risk during the winter months. 

The effectiveness of the powder in our ammo can be impaired, ammo casing can become damaged, and primers potentially ruined.

Our ammunition, therefore, needs to be protected from the cold and wet weather and we need to make sure that any spare ammo is protected from the elements.  

Oil and Grease

Some gun oils and greases become thicker and more sticky during colder weather. 

This can quickly cause problems as it hinders the mechanisms of the firearm.

In light of this, it is important that we use cold-resistant synthetic oils or greases to stop this from happening during the colder months. 

Prevent Condensation 

When we take our firearms from cold environments into warm environments condensation quickly gathers on both the exterior and interior of the firearm.

We, therefore, recommend drying your firearm as soon as you enter the warmer environment. 

This involves taking your firearm apart and drying each component with a suitable cloth. This also provides a suitable opportunity to clean and re-lubricate the firearm.


Safety first.

As well as the above there are always more steps we can take to ensure the proper maintenance of our firearms and ammo.  

Be informed. Understand your firearms. Follow the guidance of the manufacturer and look after them accordingly.

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