A deep dive into science: microscopic analysis of herbivore faeces

A deep dive into science: microscopic analysis of herbivore faeces

In order to successfully manage wildlife populations in a specific area, it is essential to know the diet of the given species, so we can effectively manage their habitat. One of the scientific methods to analyse the diet composition of herbivores is to investigate the faeces. Let’s see the steps of a microscopic analysis.

Deer Management methods Volume 1. - Austria

Deer Management methods Volume 1. - Austria

In this following series of new articles we are going to introduce you to various different deer management methods and systems from around the world where deer plays an important role in wildlife management.

There are a number of very different approaches to this topic in various countries and here we are simply presenting them rather than saying whether one is better than another. All of the management systems we will discuss can be appropriate under certain circumstances and each one has been developed to suit the different biological, ecological, economical and anthropological influences of the area where they are practiced.

We can all learn something from each of them. It is up to you, how you use the information presented here.

Ok, so now we’ve gotten the “disclaimer” out the way let’s start with our first country, Austria.

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Tervezte, fejlesztette és üzemelteti
  • H-1132, Hungary, Budapest
  • Victor Hugo utca. 18-22.
  • Telefonszám: 0-24: +36 70 362 4785
  • rackforest.com
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