What we’ve learnt from the pandemic’s impact on wildlife management

What we’ve learnt from the pandemic’s impact on wildlife management

There is this common argument that I often hear that if left to its own devices wildlife would thrive but one thing that the lockdown has actually demonstrably proven is that this is not the case at all. 

How Estates Can More Easily Transition out of Lockdown

How Estates Can More Easily Transition out of Lockdown

And why so many estates and syndicates are turning to online booking systems to improve profitability 

Állást hirdetsz vagy keresel?

Állást hirdetsz vagy keresel?

A Koronavírus komoly csapást mért társadalmunk egészére és nem kímélte a vadászatban, vadgazdálkodásban érintett közösségünket sem. Emberek ezrei, tízezrei veszítették el megélhetésüket néhány hét és hónap leforgása alatt.

Ebben a tragikus helyzetben próbálunk meg a tőlünk telhető legtöbbet segíteni például azzal, hogy elindítottuk állás kereső és kínáló szolgáltatásunkat.

Olvasd el cikkünket, amiben pontról-pontra, részletesen bemutatjuk hogyan tudsz ingyenesen hirdetni felületeinken.

What can we learn from COVID-19’s effects on wildlife and hunting?

What can we learn from COVID-19’s effects on wildlife and hunting?

After being locked up inside for weeks now, many may be wondering what the origin is of the situation we’re in, as this virus outbreak likely arose from a wildlife management problem.

Scientists, by and large, believe the virus originated in bats before being transmitted to humans. These infected bats were believed to have been sold at a wet market in Wuhan, China. However, no one currently knows for certain so all we can do is speculate. 

Since then, our lives have been completely changed and the world won’t be the same anymore. 

As COVID-19 is affecting people and economies worldwide, you may wonder what kind of impact this has on hunting and wildlife. 

Is there something we can do about this? 

And more importantly, what can we learn from this situation?

No Nonsense Business Advice for UK Shoots and Estates

No Nonsense Business Advice for UK Shoots and Estates

Some practical advice for shoots and estates that are suffering due to the current lockdown.

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