Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas Gift Ideas

Buying the perfect Christmas gift for the field sports enthusiast is hard at the best of times. Will they like it, do they already have it, will it fit? Honestly, the lucky sods should be grateful they’re getting something. Bah humbug. 

Still, the gifts below should all get a decent amount of use over the coming chilly months. And yes, for the record, should you want to get me something, these are in the order I’d like to receive them… 


There are a number of issues with having cold hands. For one, it’s just not that pleasant. It can also impact the quality of your loading and shooting. 

But most importantly, impaired dexterity can be dangerous. 

A decent pair of gloves that keep your hands (and often your wrists) warm, that allow for proper contact between your trigger finger and the trigger, and that provide a firm grip whilst allowing for freedom are, in short, essential. 

Suggestions from the community: MacWet Gloves got a few mentions as did Sealskinz.


Honestly, I love my flasks. Whatever you're tipple, taking out a decent drink on a blasted chilly sod of a day is heartening

Whether you go for practical or intricately designed the important thing, as with everything on this list, is that it’s well made and does the job to hand.

Suggestions from the community: Yeti Flasks and Stanley Flasks both got recommendations.


Depending on the country there are different traditions. One of the most popular choices and more traditional choices is, of course, the tweed flat cap. Waterproof, stylish, instantly recognisable (I’m sat wearing a favourite while I write this), and will keep your noggin warm. 

There are other options, but the flat cap wins it for us because your headwear is for safety not just comfort and style - a good flat cap will protect you without impairing your vision.

They can also comfortably be worn with a pair of ear defenders.

Suggestions from the community: The Schoffel baker boy got a mention and quite a few suggested getting something tailor-made.


There’s no such thing as bad weather just… Well, you know that. 

Whether it’s cold, wet or a wonderful combination of the two it’s always worth having a decent warm and waterproof coat to hand. Make sure it fits well and allows for decent freedom of movement.

Deep pockets are also handy for storing cartridges as well as your favourite field gear.

Suggestions from the community: The Harkila Pro Hunter Jacket, Alan Paine Tweed and Pinewood Abisko all got mentions.


I’ve said it before, and yes, I’ll say it again. I’m less concerned with the branding and how fashionable I look and more concerned by whether it does its job well, is durable and is comfortable. 

Sure, if they happen to look good as well, then all the better.

A decent pair of wellies or shooting boots should be waterproof (obviously), should provide decent ankle support for uneven ground and should be comfortable.

Suggestions from the community: Of course, Le Chameau, Dedito, Harkila and Aigle all got mentions.  


Long socks or stockings are best, preferably with garters which will stop them from slipping down.

I often wear two pairs in winter as this stops blisters and of course, layering is good for keeping warm.

Suggestions from the community: The sensible suggestions included Waring Brooke, Krawattendackel, and Harkila. Another suggestion was “one’s with only one hole in…” Thanks, Amber.


Much like my flask I love my waterproofs. Whatever the season I always have a pair of waterproof trousers and a good waterproof jacket with me. 

Quality waterproofs should easily slip over what you’re already wearing.


A decent country shirt is essential for a day in the field and is my one concession to making sure it looks the part too. 

A good country shirt should be practical and comfortable. As with your coat or jacket it should allow for unhindered movement.

Stocking Fillers:

A Country Tie

Paired with most tweeds, in green or burgundy, a nice design on a country tie looks great whether out in the field or standing by an open fire in the country inn.


Ideal for throwing in a Christmas stocking or for a last-minute gift for your drinks host cufflinks come in myriad fieldsports-related designs.

Shooting Stockings

Much like the cufflinks above these make for an ideal last-minute gift.

Unlike a lot of inexpensive last-minute gifts shooting stockings are still useful.  

And Finally…

Sure, they won’t keep you warm at least not without a thick jumper on top and a winter jacket.

But… They sure as hell look great.  

The HAMS.online range of Rural Living tees featuring award-winning designs can now be ordered online directly here:

HAMS.online shop on Spring

New designs and styles will be added each month so keep an eye out for your favourites and let people know you support the countryside, you support wildlife, and you’re proud.

Big thanks to Henry Young, Fenella Rose, Peter Gibbon, Rene Couperus, Amber Jane, and koedoe and co for their suggestions and recommendation. 

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