The use of camera traps in wildlife research*

The use of camera traps in wildlife research*

* Based on the study of Bijl, H & Heltai, M. (2022). A narrative review on the use of camera traps and machine learning in wildlife research. Columella - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 9(2): 47-69. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18380/SZIE.COLUM.2022.9.2.47

A mighty roaring red stag in autumn, a swiftly moving fox, or even the cute newborn wild boar piglets in spring.

Every hunter or game manager who uses a trail camera on their hunting ground knows the excitement when the camera captures something.

However, hunters and game managers are not the only ones using these handy tools.

So for what kind of applications can camera traps be useful?

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AI Meets Wildlife Conservation: Machine Learning in Wildlife Research*

AI Meets Wildlife Conservation: Machine Learning in Wildlife Research*

* Based on the study of Bijl, H & Heltai, M. (2022). A narrative review on the use of camera traps and machine learning in wildlife research. Columella - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 9(2): 47-69. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18380/SZIE.COLUM.2022.9.2.47

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more prevalent in our everyday lives. From the words we type into a search bar to dealing with medical records. This is just as true in wildlife conservation where the use of AI is becoming increasingly more prominent. 

Although the use of AI in wildlife conservation is still in its early stages, there are already good examples available which we are going to take a closer look at below.

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The return of the apex predator in Europe*

The return of the apex predator in Europe*

* Based on the study of Bijl, H & Csányi, S. The reasons for the range expansion of the grey wolf, coyote and red fox. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 11(1-2), pp 46-53. DOI: https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/rard/article/view/44112

Many wildlife species are making a comeback in Europe after being low in numbers or completely absent for a long time. 

This is also the case for one of the most iconic species in the world: the grey wolf. 

The grey wolf is the second largest predator in Europe (the brown bear being the largest). 

They are beloved by many but at the same time, not everyone rejoices in their return due to their predatory nature. The human-carnivore conflict has been a longstanding issue ever since humans lived alongside wildlife. 

Therefore, the resurgence of the wolf is being heavily debated among conservationists, hunters, policymakers and many other stakeholders.

But what has made the return of this species successful in the first place?

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Case study of hunting club management with HAMS.online

Case study of hunting club management with HAMS.online

This presentation showcases how the use of HAMS.online can have major benefits for any club even well managed hunt clubs.

The changes in less organised estates or syndicates is even more significant due to the practices, processes and workflows HAMS.online is built around and provides.

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Case study of Coillte management with HAMS.online

Case study of Coillte management with HAMS.online

This case study showcases how HAMS.online is being utilised by Coillte to streamline processes, reduce admin, improve health and safety, and fulfil land and wildlife potential.

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L'équipe de HAMS
  • HAMS.online est construit et maintenu par Bit and Pixel Kft qui a plus de 15 ans d'expérience dans la conception et le développement de systèmes de haute sécurité sur mesure et plus de vingt ans d'expérience dans la chasse et la gestion de gibiers.
  • Numéro de téléphone: +36 30 676 01 60
  • E-mail: [email protected]
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  • Numéro de téléphone: 0-24: +36 70 362 4785
  • rackforest.com
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