Announcing the HAMS Job board

Announcing the HAMS Job board

Covid-19 has hit our community hard and to a lesser or greater degree we have all been affected. Thousands within our community have already lost their jobs around the world with a lot more facing redundancy if the coming season is negatively impacted. Hunting tourism has all but disappeared and a lot of the traditional revenue streams of estates are at an all time low.

As you know, here at HAMS we are focussing on how to support our community, how to reduce costs whilst making conservation and game management easier and better. This is why we have created a free advertising platform for estates, landowners and associates to advertise their vacancies. Everyone who is involved in fieldsports, hunting and wildlife management.

This coupled with the existing features of HAMS which have proven to reduce the cost of administration, and encourage contactless management of guests and staff. 

Our job board provides a platform for both:

  • estates, syndicates, clubs and lands with job vacancies to fill
  • People looking for a job.

If we can help at least 1 member of our community then it was worth it. 

If you want to take your part in helping, please share this article wherever you can by clicking on this link: (we should solve to share the article somehow immediately on Facebook.) 

Let’s help each other, and make our community stronger than ever.

Here’s how to use the HAMS job board...

For Employers: How to post a job vacancy?

Firstly, Sign up to HAMS if not already registered and register the estate, syndicate, club or organisation you work for or that you represent. For the first user within the estate, land, syndicate, etc, who makes the registration HAMS is completely free (not just for a short period, but forever).

  1. Select the Estate (syndicate, club) you have a vacancy for
  2. Click the menu USER
  3. Click on JOB BOARD in the submenu
  4. Under YOUR LISTINGS tab click on the POST A JOB button
    • You can post as many adverts as you wish
    • Create different adverts for different positions
  5. Language of the advert (mandatory): If you want to advert a vacancy in different languages select one from the available languages
  6. Position (mandatory): start to type in the position and select one from the offered options. You can add a new position to the list by typing in the one you need then jump to the next field. 
  7. Closing date for applications (optional): If you want to set up a closing date, click into the field and set the date.
  8. General description (mandatory): Copy- paste or type in the details of your job description
    • Introduce the estate or syndicate
    • Short description of the work the candidate should do
    • Required experience
    • Required education, exams (if there’s any)
    • Any other relevant data
  9. Contact email (mandatory): type in the email address the candidates can reach you at
  10. Name of contact person (optional): provide the name of the contact person
  11. Phone number of contact person (optional): add a phone number where you want to be contacted 
  12. Public: by setting this switch to YES your advert will be available on the public Job board. With this switch, you control whether your advert is visible to the public or not. 
  13. Images (optional, but worth adding one): upload an image of the estate, or region (jpg, jpeg, png format) if you want your offer to stand out from the crowd

Hit “SAVE”!

That’s all. Can be done in under 2 minutes if you already have a job advert written.

What else can HAMS do for you?

The job advert you create in HAMS is perfectly suitable for sharing on Facebook.

For Applicants : How to post your CV?

If you are looking for a job then it is a good idea to advertise yourself by creating a CV in HAMS. This way employers who browse the job board can find you and your CV.

  1. Firstly, sign up to HAMS here https://hams.online/register to have your Personal profile.
  2. Log in to HAMS
  3. In the menu find and click on JOB BOARD
  4. Under YOUR CVS tab, click on the “Create CV” button
  5. Select the language of the CV you will post.
  6. Start to type in then select from the list the countries where you are happy to work (you can select multiple countries)
  7. Select the positions you are interested in (you can select from positions that were posted by an estate at least once in the past)
  8. Copy-paste or type your resume into the General description. Here is a short list of the most importants:
    • Introduce yourself in short
    • List your education
    • List your experience
    • List the type of work and tasks you are interested in
  9. Add the email address you would like to be contacted at (this will be visible for those who are registered HAMS users, won’t be visible on the public Job board)
  10. Add your name (it is an optional field if you don’t want your name to be listed, leave blank)
  11. Add your phone number (it is an optional field if you don’t want your number to be listed, leave blank)
  12. Public: by setting this switch to YES your advert will be available on the Job board. Leaving it in NO the advert will be visible for you only. With this switch you control whether your advert is visible to the public or not. 
  13. Document: Upload your CV as an electronic document (optional)

Hit "SAVE"at the bottom of the page

That’s all. If you already have a CV, the whole process takes less than 5 minutes.

If you are new to HAMS don’t forget: it is free to sign up to HAMS.

Essayez le HAMS !

Inscrivez-vous maintenant et profitez de HAMS gratuitement!
Inscrivez-vous ici
L'équipe de HAMS
  • HAMS.online est construit et maintenu par Bit and Pixel Kft qui a plus de 15 ans d'expérience dans la conception et le développement de systèmes de haute sécurité sur mesure et plus de vingt ans d'expérience dans la chasse et la gestion de gibiers.
  • Numéro de téléphone: +36 30 950 33 82
  • E-mail: [email protected]
Désigné, développé et maintenu par
Fournisseur d'hébergement
  • H-1132, Hungary, Budapest
  • Victor Hugo utca. 18-22.
  • Numéro de téléphone: 0-24: +36 70 362 4785
  • rackforest.com
Nous recherchons
Représentants régionaux
  • - Si vous êtes familier avec la gestion de gibiers et la chasse,
  • - et si vous êtes intéressé par la représentation de HAMS dans votre pays ou au niveau régional, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter par e-mail.

Faites partie de cette formidable équipe de professionnels internationaux, construisons ensemble l'avenir de la gestion de la faune sauvage.